Why Use Intranet: 5 Effective Company Intranet Examples & Apps To Use

September 21, 2023

Have you ever thought, "If only my team were more connected, we'd be unstoppable"? Well, you're on to something. Meet the intranet: your company's internal network that's like a private slice of the internet, accessible only by your team. It's no longer a relic of the '90s; modern intranets are dynamic, cloud-based platforms that offer a host of tools—from document storage to real-time communication. 

So why should you care about intranet examples? Simple. Knowing what's possible can help you imagine how an intranet could revolutionize your own workspace. Whether you're managing a small start-up or a global enterprise, these examples can offer valuable insights into transforming your operations.

Stick around as we delve into game-changing intranet examples that have redefined how businesses operate. Trust us, you won't want to miss this eye-opening journey through the world of intranets.

Close-up of a person's hands typing on a laptop, displaying intranet examples

What is a company intranet? 

So, what exactly is an intranet? Think of it as your company's private internet. Only people who work for your business can access it, and it's the go-to place for everything from work documents to office news. It’s your virtual headquarters, where your team collaborates, shares, and thrives.

Ever wonder where intranets came from? They've been around since the '90s but have come a long way since then. The clunky, hard-to-use platforms of the past have evolved into sleek, user-friendly hubs that help your team work smarter, not harder. 

What is a company intranet

Intranet vs. internet: How are they different? 

Let's face it: the terms "Intranet" and "Internet" sound so similar that you could easily get them mixed up. But rest assured, they're not identical twins. Let's break down these concepts in a way that's easy to grasp.

• Definition of Internet: The Internet is a public system, and anyone with a device and a connection can hop on to explore, shop, chat—you name it. Essentially, the Internet is a vast network that links millions of private, public, academic, and other networks together. If you've ever browsed a website, streamed a movie, or sent an email, you've used the Internet.

• What is intranet: An intranet is more like the private road that leads to and around your home. It's exclusive and only accessible to a specific group—say, your family or your company. Intranets are specialized networks designed for internal communications within an organization. They keep things secure and in-house, whether it's sharing company updates or exchanging sensitive data.

IT professional and intranet protocols

What protocols does the intranet site use? 

So, now you know what an intranet is, but how does it work under the hood? This is where protocols come in. A protocol is basically a set of rules that computers follow to talk to each other.


Let's start with something you might have seen quite often: HTTP and HTTPS, standing for HyperText Transfer Protocol and HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, respectively. HTTP is like the basic language that web browsers (like Chrome or Firefox) and web servers use to talk to each other. HTTPS is just the secure version of this. It uses encryption to scramble the data while it moves between your device and the server, keeping it safe from prying eyes.


You may have heard SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) being mentioned when talking about secure websites. These are cryptographic protocols that provide a layer of security, ensuring that data moving between two systems—like your computer and the company's intranet—is encrypted. If HTTP and HTTPS are the languages, think of SSL and TLS as the secret codes used to make those languages secure.


FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is all about moving files from one point to another over a network. But what if those files are sensitive? Enter SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol), which is FTP but with an added layer of security. It makes sure that when you upload that important document onto the intranet, it gets there without being intercepted.


Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) isn't about moving data or encrypting it. It's about monitoring and managing all the devices on a network. This means it keeps tabs on what's happening, helping admins identify any issues before they become big problems.

VPN protocols

VPN (Virtual Private Network) protocols like OpenVPN or L2TP are also sometimes used in the context of intranets. They allow remote users to connect to the intranet as if they are part of the local network, ensuring security and privacy when accessing internal resources.

Happy employees collaborating at an office with the intranet interface on a screen in the background

What are the benefits of a good intranet design? 

You may wonder, "Why should I care about an intranet?" Well, if you've ever felt bogged down by endless email chains or found yourself missing crucial updates, an intranet could be your game-changer. 

Employee engagement

Employee engagement isn't just some corporate jargon; it's the pulse of your company. Employees need engagement, which results in productivity shooting up and morale following suit. Think about the bustling food truck scene in Portland; it thrives on community and employee involvement. A well-designed intranet can provide a similar sense of community and connection, no matter where your business is located.

Internal communication

Tired of sorting through heaps of emails? An intranet lets you seamlessly share news, from upcoming events to important policy changes. Think of it as your internal newsfeed, where everything important gets announced, and nothing gets lost in the noise. A dedicated platform for internal communication means less clutter and more focus.

Company culture

Do you know those motivational posters adorning the office walls? Company culture is way more than that. It's the values, traditions, and goals that define who you are as a business. An intranet can be the platform where your culture comes alive. Share employee success stories, recognize birthdays, or even run internal surveys to get a read on the company's mood.

Knowledge management

An intranet isn't just for news and announcements; it's a centralized hub where your team can access essential resources and documents. Imagine the time and energy saved when new hires can find everything they need in one place. No more scrambling around for manuals or procedure documents.

Project collaboration

Your team has amazing ideas. An intranet can provide the space where these ideas can be brainstormed, tracked, and turned into action. Don't wait for a weekly meeting to catch up. Share updates on project statuses as they happen.

Security and compliance

In today’s world, security can’t be an afterthought. A secure intranet can help manage sensitive documents and information. Managing permissions and access controls through your intranet can make compliance easier and more effective. You can also store important documents and procedures for emergency situations so that they can be easily accessed when needed.

Collage of various industries like healthcare, retail, and finance, showcasing their intranet platforms

Five company intranet examples that will make you want to revamp yours

You've heard about intranets, and maybe you even have one. But is it working for you? Is it as effective as it could be? Let's walk through some examples of intranets that have transformed industries. 

Example 1: Healthcare sector

Let's start with healthcare. One leading hospital rolled out an intranet that centralized all their patient records, appointment schedules, and even real-time operating room statuses. The impact? Doctors and nurses could access crucial information from anywhere in the hospital, reducing wait times and enhancing patient care. The intranet became the backbone of their operations.

Example 2: Retail industry

Imagine a chain of stores that used their intranet for real-time inventory tracking and to facilitate communication between different locations. Before, if one store ran out of a product, it took hours or even days to find out where it was available. With the intranet, this information was available at the click of a button. The result? Better customer service and more efficient inventory management.

Example 3: Finance sector

In finance, where data security and real-time information are crucial, one firm's intranet provides a secure platform for sharing sensitive information like market analysis and client data. The impact was twofold: employees had immediate access to the information they needed, and the firm saw a drastic reduction in security breaches. They also integrated AI-driven analytics tools that helped in better decision-making.

Example 4: Non-profit organizations

Even in sectors you wouldn't immediately associate with cutting-edge technology, an intranet can make all the difference. A non-profit organization dealing with humanitarian causes used its intranet to mobilize volunteers, disseminate information, and coordinate relief efforts globally. Their activities became more streamlined, and they could help more people more effectively.

Example 5: Manufacturing

Now, let's talk about manufacturing. A factory's intranet connected the shop floor with the back office, monitoring real-time production data and facilitating communication between management and workers. This led to quicker adjustments and better resource allocation, transforming how the factory functioned on a day-to-day basis.

User interface of popular intranet apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams displayed on smartphones

Best corporate intranet apps to increase employee engagement

Just like the apps on your smartphone make your life easier, intranet apps can do wonders for your workplace. Let's dive into how these apps can take your intranet from good to great.


You've probably heard of Slack, and there's a reason for that—it's awesome. It's not just about chatting; Slack is about connecting teams. You can create different channels for various projects, topics, or teams. Share files, pin important messages, and even integrate other apps like Google Drive. In short, Slack makes communication not just easy but also fun.

Microsoft Teams

Sure, Microsoft Teams is a go-to platform for video calls, but did you know it also offers a lot more? You can collaborate on documents in real time, set up project-specific channels, and even integrate it with Microsoft's other Office apps. Teams offer a centralized location for all your project needs, making it easier to keep track of things.


Are you a visual person? Trello is like a digital bulletin board where you can organize tasks into lists and move them around as they progress. It's perfect for project management and helps everyone stay in the loop about what needs to be done next.


When it comes to managing tasks, Asana takes the cake. Assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress—all within the app. You can view tasks in a list, board, or even a timeline, providing flexibility on how you want to manage your projects.

Google Drive

The ability to access your files anywhere, anytime—that's the promise of Google Drive. But it's not just storage; you can also create and collaborate on Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides. Plus, it integrates well with other apps, including Slack and Teams.


Sometimes, you just need to see people's faces, especially when you're working remotely. That's where Zoom comes in. Reliable and easy-to-use, it’s quickly become the standard for virtual meetings.


Dropbox lets you share large files easily, offering a straightforward way to distribute materials without clogging up your email or using complex FTP servers.


If you're looking for a tool that covers all your project management needs—communications, task assignments, and document storage—Basecamp might be your best bet.

Designer working on an intranet homepage layout on a graphic tablet

Intranet design best practices: What is the ideal intranet homepage? 

So you've decided to build or revamp your company's intranet by following the best intranet examples you've got. Good move! But where do you start? In this guide, we'll explore the must-haves, from your intranet's homepage to its design and content. 

Intranet homepage: Think of your intranet homepage as the lobby of a grand hotel. It's the first place people go when they log in, and it should make them feel welcome and oriented. But what makes a homepage effective?

• Quick links: Access to essential tools and resources should be front and center.

• News feed: Keep your team up-to-date with the latest company news or industry trends.

• User dashboard: A personal area where employees can see their tasks, calendar, or relevant updates.

• Search bar: A must-have for quick navigation.

Intranet design: Alright, let's talk design. Sure, your intranet should look good, but it also needs to be user-friendly. Here are some best practices:

• Intuitive navigation: Your menu should be easy to understand.

• Mobile responsiveness: Yes, some of your team will log in from their phones. Make sure your intranet looks good on small screens, too.

• Color and fonts: Keep it simple but professional. Stick to your brand colors and use readable fonts.

Intranet content: Now, what should actually go on your intranet? Content is key, and it should serve the needs of your team.

• Internal policies: Easily accessible and searchable.

• Team directories: Anyone can find out who does what.

• Project boards: For tracking progress on various projects.

• Learning resources: Like training manuals or educational videos.

Businessman reading an alert message on an intranet page, illustrating potential pitfalls

Pitfalls to avoid when adopting a modern intranet solution

So, you're sold on the idea of getting a new intranet for your business and have chosen the ideal intranet example for your team. But before you dive in, let's make sure you're not stepping on any landmines. 

Lack of planning

You wouldn't build a house without a blueprint, right? So why approach your intranet any differently? Some common mistakes include rushing through the setup process or not clearly defining what you want your intranet to accomplish. These errors can lead to an ineffective system that nobody uses. To avoid this, create a roadmap and stick to it. It will guide your decisions and help you build an intranet that's genuinely useful.

Ignoring user feedback

Your intranet isn't just for the higher-ups; it's for everyone. A big mistake many make is ignoring the opinions and feedback of the actual users. Listen, your employees will be the ones using this platform day in and day out. Ignoring their input is a surefire way to end up with a system that's clunky and unused. Use surveys, focus groups, or even informal chats to understand what your team needs and wants from the intranet.

Overcomplicating things

Here's another trap to avoid: making your intranet too complex. Yes, you want a system that meets your needs, but that doesn't mean it has to be complicated. A system that's too difficult to navigate will only frustrate your team, leading to decreased usage over time. Keep it simple. Choose an intuitive design and make sure essential functions are easy to find.

Lack of training

Even the best-designed intranet can fall flat if people don't know how to use it. Don't expect your team to just "figure it out." Provide training sessions and create user-friendly guides to help them navigate the new system. This initial time investment will pay off with a smoothly running intranet later.

Forgetting about mobile

In today's world, people are always on the go, and many will access the intranet from mobile devices. If your intranet isn't mobile-friendly, you're going to run into problems. Ensure that the platform you choose is compatible with various devices so your team can stay connected, no matter where they are.

AlwaysOnIT team members in a meeting room, discussing intranet development strategies

How AlwaysOnIT can build your perfect intranet page

Let me share a secret with you: building an effective intranet isn't as hard as it looks, especially when you've got the right partner. That's where AlwaysOnIT comes in. If you're in the market for an intranet that's more than just a digital bulletin board, you've found your match.

First things first, let's talk about what we can do for you. Our offerings range from tailored IT optimization strategies to virtual CIO services and proactive maintenance. What does all of this mean? Well, you can think of us as the strategic IT partner you didn't know you needed.

Not only that, but we're so confident you'll love working with us that we're offering a free cybersecurity evaluation. This isn't just a skim-over. You'll get a detailed report of your current security posture and recommendations on how to fortify it. 

Team celebrating their new intranet launch in an office setting

Time to improve your team's internal communication! 

Here at AlwaysOnIT, we're dedicated to making the perfect intranet example for anyone's business. So, what are you waiting for? If you're in the Portland metro area and are looking to build or revamp your intranet, get in touch with us via emailing support@alwaysonit.com or calling us at 503-601-4335. Stop settling for a basic digital bulletin board and aim for an intranet that truly fuels your growth.

Frequently asked questions

What intranet design examples can enhance my employee experience?

Great intranet design examples prioritize the employee experience. By having an intranet platform that's easy to navigate, you encourage employees to engage more deeply. This improves employee satisfaction and fosters better employee communication.

How does intranet software help new employees?

Intranet software serves as a one-stop hub for all resources a new employee might need. From the employee directory to the company calendar, it’s designed to help employees find information quickly, easing the onboarding process.

What are some effective intranet content ideas for employee recognition?

Effective intranet content for employee recognition can include shoutout boards, monthly spotlight articles, or even a "kudos" feature that allows employees to praise each other's efforts. These features can improve employee morale and enhance the overall intranet experience.

Is it important for the entire company to be involved in the way the intranet is built?

Absolutely, many employees from across various departments should have input into how the intranet is built. This ensures that the intranet features meet diverse needs and that the intranet adoption rate is high.

Can you give some examples of how company culture is reflected in the social intranet?

Company culture can be woven into the fabric of your social intranet. Features like employee recognition badges or forums for sharing success stories can make employees feel more connected. Such elements engage employees and encourage a sense of community across the entire company.