11 Enterprise Project Management Software in 2024

April 10, 2024

Did you know that messy desks and missed emails could be draining your business more than $11,000 yearly? According to the Express Employment Professionals, as reported via the Entrepreneur, disorganization in businesses could lead to such unexpected expenses. This raises the question: are you properly taking advantage of technology today? 

Businesses nowadays have various options to make their work more efficient and organized. Some may hire additional people, but many choose different software to help them. One of the best examples is enterprise project management software— which we'll talk about in this blog. 

Expect to dive deep into what this software does, how it functions, who really benefits from it, and which ones stand out in 2024. We'll also explain how you can choose the best software for your enterprise and how AlwaysOnIT is here to help you make management solutions and turn your business workflow seamless and efficient in the long run. 

What does enterprise project management software do? 

Enterprise project management software is a powerful tool designed to help businesses manage and streamline their projects.

Here, you can see everything that's happening in your projects, all in one place. From planning stages to final deadlines, this software keeps everything organized. It lets teams communicate better, share files, and keep track of deadlines. 

This software also helps make big decisions easier. By showing you data on how projects are doing, you can see where to cut costs or where to focus more effort. With this software, it would be easier to keep track of what every team is doing.

With it, you can see who's doing what, when they're doing it, and how it fits into the bigger picture. It's perfect for companies that work on lots of big projects at the same time. This software makes sure nothing gets missed and that everything runs smoothly.

How does it work?

How do project management tools work? 

Straight off the bat, enterprise project management software gathers data from every corner of your enterprise, giving you a bird's-eye view of everything in progress. 

So, how does it actually work? Well, it starts by allowing you to set up projects and tasks within a system. You can assign these tasks to team members, set deadlines, and track progress in real time.

This software shows you how each project is moving along, using charts and reports that update as your team works. It pulls in data from emails, calendars, and other tools your team uses. This way, it keeps everyone on the same page without needing to jump between different apps.

For example, if you're in IT, it can show you how close a software update is to being ready. Or, if you're managing customer relationships, it can track how interactions with clients impact project timelines.

Behind the scenes, the software uses algorithms to predict potential delays or budget overruns. This means you can fix problems before they become bigger issues. And because all this info is stored in one place, it's easier for everyone to make informed decisions.

Why choose enterprise project management tools?

Standard tools vs. the best enterprise project management software

Enterprise project management software is designed to handle complex, multifaceted projects across various departments or even globally. The scale, scope, and stakeholder involvement are on another level.

This software supports extensive project planning, resource allocation, and risk management on a scale suited for large organizations. It integrates with a wide range of other enterprise systems like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management), offering a cohesive environment for managing all aspects of a project.

On the other hand, standard project management tools are often more focused on individual projects or smaller teams. They're great for tracking tasks, deadlines, and simple collaborations but might not have the capabilities to provide in-depth analysis, reporting, or integration with other enterprise systems.

While they can efficiently manage projects, they need more breadth and depth of features that large organizations require.

Benefits of these tools

Benefits of enterprise project management software for 2024

In today's fast-paced business environment, staying on top of your projects is more crucial than ever. Here are the benefits of using enterprise project management software and how it can revolutionize your approach to project management.

  • Boost team collaboration
  • Enhance project visibility
  • Streamline resource management
  • Cut costs
  • Increase project success rates
  • Simplify reporting and analytics
  • Improve client satisfaction

Boost team collaboration

One of the standout advantages of project management systems is how it fosters teamwork. Imagine all your project details, communications, and deadlines in one place. This setup means your team can access everything they need without sifting through endless email threads. 

Enhance project visibility

With this software, you gain a helicopter view of every project execution. You can track progress in real time, identify bottlenecks early, and make adjustments on the fly. 

Streamline resource management

Allocating resources efficiently is a breeze with enterprise project management software. You can see who's working on what, who's overloaded, and where you can reassign tasks to balance the workload. This ensures your projects move forward without burning out your team.

Cut costs

By improving efficiency and reducing the time spent on manual tasks, this software helps cut operational costs. It allows for more precise budget tracking and helps identify areas where you can save money. 

Increase project success rates

With all these benefits working together, it's no surprise that using enterprise project management software leads to a higher success rate for projects. It ensures that projects are delivered on time, within budget, and meet or exceed expectations. This is crucial in maintaining a competitive edge and satisfying clients.

Simplify reporting and analytics

Creating reports becomes a task you can handle in just a few clicks. This software generates data-driven insights that help you make informed decisions. 

Improve client satisfaction

When projects run smoothly, clients are happy. This software allows for better communication with clients by providing updates and insights into the project's progress. 

How to pick the best software?

How to choose the best enterprise project management tool

When you're in the market for enterprise project management software, knowing which features matter most can make all the difference. Let's break down the essentials you should be eyeing.


First up is scalability. Your chosen software must grow as your business does. It should effortlessly handle an increase in projects, teams, and data without a hitch. Think about it; what works for a team of ten might not for a hundred. Your software should adapt, not become a bottleneck.

Integration capabilities

Next, consider how well it plays with others. Integration capabilities are crucial. Your project management tool should seamlessly connect with other systems like CRM, ERP, and financial software. This ensures data flows freely across your organization, eliminating silos and enhancing collaboration.

Real-time collaboration

Speaking of teamwork, real-time collaboration features are a must. Your team should be able to communicate, share files, and update statuses in the software itself. This keeps everyone on the same page and makes remote work a breeze.


Customization is another biggie. Every organization has its way of doing things, and your software should accommodate that. Look for tools that let you tailor workflows, reports, and dashboards to fit your needs perfectly.

Advanced reporting and analytics

You also need robust reporting and analytics. These features provide insights into project performance, resource allocation, and more. With them, you can make informed decisions, forecast outcomes, and adjust strategies on the fly.


Don't forget about security. When dealing with sensitive project data, you want top-notch security measures in place. Look for features like encryption, access controls, and regular security audits to keep your information safe.

Mobile accessibility

Lastly, consider mobile accessibility. In a world where work happens everywhere, having access to your project management tool on the go is invaluable. It ensures that no matter where you are, you're just a few taps away from your projects.

Why choose premium software?

1. Asana (Top task management tool in 2024)

Asana is a project management tool that excels in streamlining tasks and project workflows across various teams. It's particularly effective for businesses looking for a straightforward way to manage tasks, thanks to its user-friendly interface and visual project timelines.

With this enterprise project management software, teams can assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress in a visually appealing layout, making it best suited for organizations that prioritize ease of use and clear communication without the need for deep customization in reporting.


  • Intuitive design makes it easy for teams to adopt.
  • Flexible project views cater to different user preferences. 


  • Limited customization options for reports.
  • It may get pricey for larger teams.

2. monday.com (Reliable project portfolio management app)

monday.com stands out as a project management platform due to its exceptional customization capabilities, allowing users to create workflows that perfectly fit their project needs.

This platform is ideal for teams that require a high degree of flexibility in their project management software, offering customizable dashboards, workflow automation, and a wide array of integrations with other tools.

monday.com's strength lies in its ability to adapt to various project types, from marketing campaigns to software development projects, making it a versatile choice for dynamic enterprises.


  • Highly customizable dashboards and workflows.
  • Integrates smoothly with many other tools.


  • It can be overwhelming for new users.
  • Some essential features are available only in higher-priced enterprise plans.

3. Trello (Easy-to-use enterprise project management tool)

Trello offers a simple, card-based system for task and project management, renowned for its ease of use and intuitive design. It's best for teams that need a straightforward, visually organized way to track project progress, tasks, and deadlines.

Trello's boards, lists, and cards enable users to organize projects flexibly, but it might fall short for those requiring complex project management functionalities or detailed reporting. It also has a 14-day free trial for enterprise teams. 


  • User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Great for small to medium-sized projects.


  • It is not ideal for complex project management needs.
  • Limited reporting features.

4. ClickUp (Best for customization)

ClickUp is a versatile platform that balances simplicity with a deep set of features. It offers comprehensive solutions for task management, document sharing, goal setting, and even custom views for projects. This makes ClickUp suitable for teams looking for an all-in-one platform that can handle detailed project planning, collaboration, and reporting.

Its extensive customization options mean it can serve a wide range of industries and project sizes, though it may present a learning curve for new users due to its breadth of features.


  • All-in-one platform with features for tasks, documents, and goals.
  • Highly customizable.


  • Steep learning curve due to its many features.
  • Performance can lag with extensive data.

5. Wrike (Great for multiple projects and large enterprises)

Wrike provides advanced project planning and tracking features, including detailed Gantt charts, workload view, and robust integration capabilities with other business tools. This enterprise project management software is best for larger teams or enterprises that manage multiple complex projects simultaneously and require detailed planning, collaboration, and reporting tools.

Wrike's comprehensive set of features supports in-depth project management but may be overwhelming for smaller teams or those new to project management software.


  • Advanced project planning features with Gantt charts.
  • Robust integration options.


  • The interface can be complex for beginners.
  • High cost for full feature access.

6. Smartsheet (One of the leading work management tools)

Smartsheet offers a spreadsheet-like interface with powerful project management capabilities. It makes it appealing to users familiar with Excel but seeking more advanced features like automation, collaboration tools, and Gantt charts.

Smartsheet is well-suited for project managers who need to combine the simplicity of spreadsheets with the functionality of a project management tool. However, users may need to adjust for a while to fully leverage its advanced features.


  • Familiar spreadsheet interface.
  • Strong capabilities for reporting and automation.


  • Some users may find the interface less intuitive.
  • Customization requires a learning curve.

7. Microsoft Project (Top-tier resource management software)

Microsoft Project is a heavyweight in the project management domain, offering a wide range of features for detailed project planning, scheduling, and resource management.

It integrates deeply with the Microsoft Teams ecosystem, making it a solid choice for organizations already embedded in Microsoft's software suite. However, its complexity and cost make it more suitable for experienced project managers in larger organizations.


  • Comprehensive project management features.
  • Strong integration with the Microsoft ecosystem.


  • Steep learning curve.
  • Higher costs can be a barrier for small teams.

8. Jira (Top agile project management software)

Jira is tailored for software development projects, supporting agile methodologies like Scrum and Kanban. It provides detailed issue and project tracking, making it ideal for development teams that need to manage sprints, backlogs, and releases closely.

Jira's powerful customization and integration capabilities make it a go-to tool for technical teams, though its complexity may deter non-technical users.


  • Powerful for tracking software development projects.
  • Flexible configurations for agile teams.


  • It can be complex for non-technical users.
  • Setup and customization can be time-consuming.

9. Basecamp (Simplest management tool for your team)

Basecamp prioritizes simplicity and ease of use in project management and communication. With a straightforward interface and a focus on to-do lists, file sharing, and team communication, Basecamp is best for teams looking for a no-frills approach to project management. It's particularly well-suited for smaller projects or teams new to project management software.


  • Simple, user-friendly interface.
  • The flat pricing model is cost-effective for larger teams.


  • Limited advanced project management features.
  • Not suited for complex project tracking.

10. Zoho Projects (Top enterprise-level project management solution)

Zoho Projects is part of the Zoho suite, offering comprehensive project management features with excellent integration with other Zoho apps.

It provides tools for task management, time tracking, and collaboration, making it a good fit for businesses that already use other Zoho products and are looking for a project management solution that integrates seamlessly with their existing tools.


  • Deep integration with other Zoho apps.
  • Affordable pricing for small to medium-sized teams.


  • The interface can feel cluttered.
  • Learning curve for maximizing all available features.

11. Teamwork.com (Chosen for its collaboration tools and features)

Teamwork.com is designed to facilitate collaboration among team members and with clients. It offers a suite of project management tools, including task assignments, time tracking, and project updates, making it suitable for teams that need to keep clients in the loop on project progress.

Teamwork's focus on collaboration and client involvement makes it a strong choice for service-based businesses or agencies managing projects with external stakeholders.


  • Versatile project management features.
  • Strong focus on collaboration and client involvement.


  • The interface may not be as intuitive as competitors.
  • Features can be overwhelming for small projects.
What is an enterprise project management software?

Should you buy premium with the best project management software? 

Premium project management tools come packed with advanced features that are not available in free or basic versions. These can include in-depth analytics, custom reporting, enhanced security measures, and increased storage options.

For large enterprises, these features are not just nice to have; they're essential. They allow for a deeper understanding of project performance, help in making informed decisions, and secure sensitive information.

Moreover, premium accounts often offer superior support and training resources. This means you can get expert help exactly when you need it, ensuring that any issues are swiftly resolved. Plus, with access to more comprehensive training materials, your team can make the most out of the software, boosting productivity.

Another significant advantage is scalability. As your business grows, your project management needs will evolve. Premium software can grow with you, offering the flexibility to add more users and projects and even integrate with other tools and services. This scalability ensures that your investment continues to pay off in the long run.

In essence, while the upfront cost of a premium enterprise project management software account may seem high, the return on investment can be substantial.

Enhanced efficiency, better decision-making capabilities, and improved security can all lead to cost savings and a more productive, effective team. For businesses serious about managing their projects at a high level, premium is the way to go.

Why choose AlwaysOnIT?

Find the best enterprise project management tool with AlwaysOnIT! 

Choosing a good enterprise project management software isn't enough; you need the best partner to maximize your projects' success. This is where AlwaysOnIT shines as your ideal ally.

With over 20 years of experience and a commitment to innovation, personalized service, and strategic IT partnership, our team stands out in delivering tailored solutions that align with your unique business needs.

If you're on the lookout for an MSP that not only manages tasks but also empowers growth, enhances security, and optimizes your IT infrastructure, then AlwaysOnIT is the go-to expert.

Our range of services, from IT management to cybersecurity, ensures that your enterprise's technology operates at peak efficiency. With a proactive approach and a focus on customized solutions, we are dedicated to your success, offering a strategic IT partnership rather than just a service.

Contact us now

Discover how we can transform your business

Interested in taking your project management to the next level? Explore our IT services now. With a proven track record of empowering businesses through superior IT management and optimization strategies, AlwaysOnIT is ready to help you achieve your goals. 

Take advantage of the opportunity to partner with a team that prioritizes your growth and security. Contact us today and find out how they can support your projects and drive your business forward.

Frequently asked questions

What are the key features of enterprise project management software?

Features of enterprise project management (EPM) software are designed to meet the comprehensive needs of large organizations. Within the software, users can expect a robust set of tools, including project and portfolio management, to streamline project processes efficiently.

Additionally, enterprise project management solutions include time management capabilities and resource management tools, which are vital for coordinating enterprise-level projects. The software features are specifically developed for enterprise needs, ensuring that every aspect of project management is covered, from file management to portfolio management tool integration.

How can enterprise teams benefit from the latest project management software of 2024?

The latest project management software of 2024 offers enterprise teams a list of the best enterprise solutions geared toward enhancing collaboration and efficiency. These tools are designed to streamline project workflows, facilitate effective time management, and offer comprehensive resource management tools.

With these solutions, enterprise teams can achieve better coordination and communication, leading to improved project outcomes and streamlined operations at an enterprise level.

What makes a project management software solution ideal for enterprise organizations?

An ideal project management software solution for enterprise organizations provides an enterprise project management solution that integrates project and portfolio management with advanced software features.

This integration ensures that enterprise teams can streamline project processes, manage resources effectively, and maintain a portfolio management tool all within the software. Such a solution is specifically tailored to meet the complex needs of enterprise organizations, offering the scalability and flexibility required at an enterprise level.

How do enterprise project management solutions streamline project processes?

Enterprise project management solutions streamline project processes by offering a comprehensive set of tools designed specifically for enterprise use. These solutions include project boards that provide a visual overview of project statuses, EPM software for in-depth project tracking, and resource management tools to ensure optimal allocation of resources.

By integrating these tools, the enterprise project management software of 2024 enables teams to efficiently plan, execute, and monitor projects, leading to streamlined operations and enhanced productivity.

Can enterprise project management software improve time management in large projects?

Yes, enterprise project management software can significantly improve time management in large projects. It does so by providing tools that help in planning and scheduling project tasks, tracking progress, and identifying bottlenecks early.

Features for enterprise, like time management functionalities within the software, allow teams to allocate time resources efficiently, ensuring that project deadlines are met and that projects progress as planned.

What portfolio management tools are included in enterprise project management software?

Enterprise project management software includes portfolio management tools that help organizations manage their project and portfolio management activities cohesively. These tools offer features such as project board views for easy monitoring of multiple projects, resource management to ensure optimal allocation, and comprehensive analytics for decision-making.

By leveraging these portfolio management tools, enterprises can maintain visibility and control over their entire project portfolio, facilitating better strategic planning and resource allocation.

How does this management software cater specifically to enterprise-level projects?

Enterprise project management software caters specifically to enterprise-level projects by incorporating features and tools that address the unique challenges and complexities of managing large-scale projects. These include comprehensive resource management tools, advanced file management systems, and a range of software features tailored for enterprise operations.

The software comes equipped with capabilities to handle the vast scope and scale of enterprise projects, ensuring that teams have the resources and support they need to achieve project objectives efficiently and effectively.